Kat Taylor, Artist/Illustrator

Artist Statement

I am an artist/illustrator who creates whimsical detailed pen & ink drawings.

When I draw I let go of intention. I start very loosely with a drawing and as I work with it I just let myself see what develops. As various shapes materialize I can decide how I want to focus on each one and what I want to do with the whole image.

I take my time developing shapes, staying relaxed so that my subconscious brings out whatever is there to be developed in each drawing. I enjoy the play of darks and lights throughout the design. I also like the juxtaposition of molded forms with flat forms. It takes me 10 – 15 hours to create one drawing.

When people look at my drawings they automatically move in closer to the work to look for the details. People seem to have a need to make sense out of the drawing by identifying recognizable figures in the work. Different people will see different figures in the same drawing.

The way the pen and paper interact with each other effects what marks I make. This type of paper and this type of pen draw me into the creation process in their own particular way. The materials create the drawing as much as I do.

About Kat Taylor

Kat Taylor graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine in 1982 as a Printmaking Major. She has worked as a dark room tech for Down East Magazine, ran a home cleaning business, and worked as a licensed massage therapist. After retiring from a 16-year career as a Physical Therapist Assistant, she now enjoys more time drawing what she wants to draw and spending time with her wonderful son, daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.

Kat Taylor can be reached at katygtaylor@gmail.com